Birthday Party

Hello, Ive been dealing with major friendship/girl drama and birthday party planning. My birthday is December 6 and I haven’t came up with a party idea. I was going to go ice skating and then host a sleepover but I can’t. I sprained a growth plate on my foot and I won’t be able to go ice skating. So, I started coming up with another plan and I don’t know what to do. I might go buy some small thinking putty’s and pencils and play bingo with winter themed cards and marshmallows and then have a sleepover. Or I might just have a sleepover and watch a movie. Or I might ignore my doctor and skate anyways (I know I will regret it if I do). Or I might not have a party, kids my age are loud, annoying and pretend to care when they don’t. Im not sure. Sorry I haven’t uploaded lately Ive been busy, until next time.


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